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A man in a dark suit and tie speaks at a wooden podium in a dimly lit auditorium. A large wooden cross is mounted on a brick wall behind him. Flags, including those of Chile and the Vatican, are displayed on one side of the stage.
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Juan Carlos de la Llera Takes Office as President of UC Chile for the 2025-2030 Term

20 March 2025

An extraordinary extended session of the Honorable Superior Council took place in the Juan Francisco Fresno Hall at the UC Chile Central Campus, presided over by the Archbishop of Santiago and UC Chile Grand Chancellor, Cardinal Fernando Chomali. The in-person ceremony saw over 1,000 attendees.

A man in a dark suit and tie speaks at a wooden podium in a dimly lit auditorium. A large wooden cross is mounted on a brick wall behind him. Flags, including those of Chile and the Vatican, are displayed on one side of the stage.

photo_camera The new academic authority outlined among the main challenges facing the university, advancing in the fields of artificial intelligence, data science, and the digital transformation of UC Chile; creating a convergence between the State, industry, civil society, and universities around the major challenges facing Chile and the world, strengthening civic education, and connecting with the needs of the country.

On Tuesday, March 18, in a packed Juan Francisco Fresno Hall at the UC Chile Central Campus, academic Juan Carlos de la Llera took office as President of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC Chile) for the 2025-2030 term

In his inaugural address, the newly appointed academic leader outlined several key challenges for the university, including: advancing in artificial intelligence, data science, and the digital transformation of UC Chile. He also emphasized fostering convergence between the state, industry, civil society, and universities to address the major challenges facing Chile and the world.

Additionally, he highlighted the need to strengthen civic education and align university efforts with the country’s needs. He further stressed the importance of preserving the institution's Catholic identity, pastoral work, network-building that enhances human interaction, participation in international partnerships, and investment in boosting discovery and innovation capacities.

Inside the university, Juan Carlos de la Llera stated that efforts would be focused on reinforcing community care and wellbeing programs, maintaining a sustained commitment to academic excellence, and diversifying income and funding sources.

"As a university, we must form individuals who fully understand their rights and duties, foster democratic coexistence, and move away from the deep individualism that prevails in today's society. They must care about collective wellbeing and actively participate in society using their reason. They must act responsibly and possess solid personal, ethical, moral, social, emotional, and intellectual values," said De la Llera in his speech.

He added, "The university is perhaps the most privileged space for reflection and exploration that a country has for the use of reason, as the foundation of critical thinking, on the most complex issues."

Two men in dark suits shake hands at the front of a stage, one of them handing over a document or certificate. Behind them, a wooden cross is mounted on a brick wall, and a group of people, including a clergyman, are observing the exchange from a long wooden table with microphones and documents.
Former President Ignacio Sánchez handed over the presidential medal to President Juan Carlos de la Llera.

The ceremony began with a Mass celebrated by the Archbishop of Santiago and Grand Chancellor of UC Chile, Cardinal Fernando Chomali. In his homily, the Cardinal emphasized that "UC Chile is called to stand out for three aspects: information, which comes from human intelligence; but also the wisdom that comes from God, which demands spiritual depth, manifested in the university's pastoral and evangelical life."

The Cardinal also affirmed that the Catholic identity of the institution is what allows the university to make a contribution to society: "It is the guarantee of a path to excellence, where reason is illuminated by faith, and faith is also illuminated by reason," he stated.

After the Mass, according to the ceremony’s protocol, Ignacio Sánchez, the outgoing president, addressed the attendees. In his speech, which reviewed the highlights of his 15 years in office, he made special mention of everyone who supported and participated in building a more equitable UC Chile committed to the country.

"At the conclusion of these fifteen years, I think it's important to remember some of the emphases I made in my words from March 2010 when I began my first term as rector. At that time, I mentioned the importance of focusing on our mission and university identity and strengthening the sense of community. We aimed to achieve greater inclusion with quality, stimulate research and the creation of new knowledge, and especially strengthen the arts and humanities. We also set out to enhance UC Chile’s public role and commitment," Sánchez stated.

Regarding his successor, Sánchez added: "President Juan Carlos de la Llera possesses all the qualities and skills necessary to lead this challenging educational project. He is a distinguished tenured professor at the university with a long career in our community. He led the Faculty of Engineering for over twelve years, implementing a curricular renewal and various transformative initiatives. He has been internationally recognized for his contributions to innovation and entrepreneurship, making significant contributions to the country’s public policy in these areas. His vision and drive will be key in the new phase the university and the higher education system face."

The outgoing rector received a standing ovation from the audience, creating an emotional moment before the leadership transition took place.

Following Sánchez’s remarks, the General Secretary, Cristina Fernández, read the decree from the Congregation for Catholic Education, which appointed Juan Carlos de la Llera as President of UC Chile for the next five years.

In accordance with the university’s General Statutes, the new President took an oath during an extraordinary extended session of the Honorable Superior Council. Cardinal Chomali, who holds the high authority over the university and serves as the direct link with the Holy See, presided over the session, swearing in the President and leading his profession of faith.

A Catholic bishop wearing glasses and black clerical attire holds an open folder while standing at a podium. Next to him, a man in a dark suit and tie, also wearing glasses, reads from a paper in front of a microphone. Behind them, flags, including one with the emblem of a Pontifical University, are displayed.
"I will fulfill with great diligence and fidelity the obligations to which I am committed to the Church, both universal and particular, in which I have been called to serve, according to the law," stated President Juan Carlos de la Llera in the oath. To the left, Cardinal Fernando Chomali.

The solemn words of the Oath of Fidelity to the mission were: "I, Juan Carlos de la Llera Martin, upon assuming the office of President of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC Chile), promise to always remain in communion with the Catholic Church, both in my words and actions. I will diligently and faithfully fulfill the obligations to which I am committed to the Church, both universal and particular, in which I have been called to serve, according to the law." 

After being formally invested in his new position, President Juan Carlos de la Llera delivered his first official speech as the highest authority of UC Chile for the next five years. Among the key areas he emphasized were academic formation and public commitment.

“We face the crucial challenge of transforming and serving Chile through reflection, formation, creation, and discovery. That is why I hope that the many informed voices of our academics will be heard on a broad range of topics, reflections, debates, policies, concerns, and challenges that the country faces. Chile needs and deserves these voices, inspired by reason and evidence, to enrich the public discussion. Our universities must be true social beacons to support the development of Chile and the world,” said President De la Llera.

He also expressed his commitment to the university community and the role the university can play in society amid the challenges ahead.

“I have a founded hope (a concept coined by former president Fernando Castillo Velasco) that the current process of increasing secularization, lack of spirituality, distrust, decline in civic values, and certain disregard for the enormous value of tradition, public life, institutions, and the common good can be reversed. Personally, my founded hope comes from our Homeland, God, and the University,” he declared.

The extended extraordinary session of the Honorable Superior Council was held in the Juan Francisco Fresno Hall at the Extension Center of the Central Campus and was presided over by the Archbishop of Santiago and Grand Chancellor of UC Chile, Cardinal Fernando Chomali. The in-person ceremony was attended by more than 1,000 people.

Among the notable authorities present were:

  • Education Minister Nicolás Cataldo,
  • Science Minister and Government Spokesperson Aisén Etcheverry,
  • Transport and Telecommunications Minister Juan Carlos Muñoz,
  • Undersecretary of Education Alejandra Arratia,
  • Undersecretary of Higher Education Víctor Orellana,
  • Undersecretary of Early Childhood Education Claudia Lagos,
  • UC Emeritus Rector Pedro Pablo Rosso,
  • University of Chile Rector Rosa Devés,
  • University of Concepción Rector Carlos Saavedra,
  • former Providencia Mayor and presidential candidate Evelyn Matthei,
  • former First Lady of Chile and widow of ex-President of Chile Sebastián Piñera, Cecilia Morel,
  • TV personalities such as Mario Kreutzberger,
  • and authorities from other higher education institutions.

Also attending were distinguished ecclesiastical authorities such as:

  • the Emeritus Archbishop of Santiago, Cardinal Celestino Aós,
  • the chargé d'affaires ad interim of the Apostolic Nunciature, Monsignor Giuseppe Silvestrini,
  • members of the Honorable Superior Council of UC Chile,
  • academics,
  • students,
  • FEUC leaders,
  • and members of the UC Chile community, alongside entrepreneurs, family, and friends of both President De la Llera and outgoing President Ignacio Sánchez. 

President Juan Carlos de la Llera also announced the new Vice Presidents and Provosts of the university:

Vice Presidencies: 

  • Mariane Krause Jacob, Provost 
  • Francisco Gallego Yañez, Provost for Institutional Management 
  • Mario Ponce Acevedo, Vice President for Academic Affairs 
  • María Angélica Fellenberg Plaza, Vice President for Research 
  • Maria Montt Strabucchi, Vice President for International Affairs 
  • María Fernanda Vicuña Ureta, Vice President for Finance 
  • Eduardo Arriagada Cardini, Vice President for Communication & Cultural Outreach 
  • Paula Aguirre Aparicio, future Vice President for Digital Innovation, Data, and Technology 


  • Ana María Bravo Gasparri, Executive Director of Outreach and Protocol 
  • Isabel Margarita Alarcón González, Executive Director of Management 
  • Catalina Undurraga Nadeau, Director of Strategy 


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